paintings of famous artists
Antropov Alexey Petrovich
14.03.1716, Saint Petersburg — 12.06.1795, ibidem
Portraitist, decorator, and icon-painter (according to painter himself, he made miniatures on enamel).
He was the son of a soldier of the Semyonovsky Life Guard Regiment, who had also worked as a metalwork master at the Saint Petersburg Armoury court, and then at the Committee for Construction in Saint Petersburg. Starting from 1739, A. P. Antropov was employed in the Committee for Construction in the so-called 'fine art team'. His teachers were L. Caravaque, A. M. Matveev, M. A. Zakharov and I. Ya. Vishnyakov. He took part in the decorative wall painting of the Winter, Summer, Anichkov Palaces and New Opera House, and worked in Peterhof. In 1745, he created icons for the Trinity Church in Saint Petersburg and plafond for the palace church of Tsarskoe Selo. From 1752 to 1755, he lived in Kiev and worked on the wall paintings for the Cathedral of St Andrew. In 1758, he returned to Saint Petersburg and resumed the work in the 'fine art team' of I. Ya. Vishnyakov.
In 1759, he was assigned as a fine art master at the Moscow University. In 1761, he took the seat of a supervisor over artists and icon-painters in the Synod, where he worked till the end of his life. In 1762-1763, he participated in the decoration of the coronation ceremony of Empress Catherine II. He ran a private school. In 1789, the artist turned his house over to a welfare board to establish a public school in it. Among his students were D. G. Levitsky and P. S. Drozhdin.
Portrait series of rulers from the Romanov dynasty, came from the Marble Palace
Johann Heinrich Wedekind
15.08.1674, Germany – 08.10.1736, Saint Petersburg
Painter, portraitist, miniaturist. His teacher was Ernst Londicer. The Revel archives mention his name from 1704. In 1715, he worked in Göteborg, then in Riga and Narva. He painted many portraits of King Karl XII, including an equestrian one. In the early 1720s, he worked in Saint Petersburg and in 1725 he moved to the city for permanent living. He used to paint pictures, portraits and was a famous copyist. In 1725, Catherine bought four paintings with evangelic and allegoric scenes and ordered six portraits: Peter I on his deathbed, Grand Princesses Elisabeth Petrovna and Anna Petrovna, Duke of Holstein, fiance of Anna Petrovna.
From 1732, he led drawing classes at the сadet corps, and in 1734-36 was on a list as a painter. Upon the order of Anna Ioannovna, he created copies of portraits of her father Ivan IV Alexeevich, sisters Praskovya and Catherine, Praskovya Fyodorovna, Peter the Great and Catherine I.
Portrait of King Karl XII
The first quarter of the 18th c.
Oil on canvas
François Gérard
04.05.1770, Rome – 11.01.1837, Paris
Painter, portraitist. He painted pictures with historical and mythological scenes. Being the son of an Italian woman and intendant of Cardinal de Bernis, he lived in Rome until he became 12 years old. In 1782, after he had moved to Paris, he took drawing lessons from sculptor A. Pajou, and from 1784 – from painter N. G. Brenet. In 1785, he entered the workshop of Jacques-Louis David. He made illustrations for the works of Virgil and Racine. In 1793, he participated in and won the competition for the best composition of the Convention that sat on 10 August 1792. He produced works for imperial palaces. To commemorate the Austerlitz victory, Emperor Napoleon I ordered him a painting for the plafond of the Tuileries Palace that was replaced to the gallery of battles in the Versailles Palace after the restoration of the Bourbons. In 1814, he painted a portrait of King Louis XVIII and assumed the rank of king's painter.
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I
The second half of the 1800s – early 1810s.
Oil on canvas
Came from the Brussels city hall. The Cossacks presented it to their Commander A. C. Benckendorff. In 1851, Lady of Honour Countess E. A. Benckendorff gave it as a gift to Emperor Nicholas I, who ordered to place it in the Armoury Chamber the same year.
Friedrich Kühnel (Fyodor Fyodorovich)
1766, Dippoldiswalde (?) – 1841, Moscow (?)
Portraitist, author of historical paintings. Painter and drawing artist, he worked in watercolour and miniature techniques. He belonged to the Saxon dynasty of painters. He learned from his father C. Kühnel, painter of the Meissen porcelain manufacture, then in the Academy of Arts in Dresden, and later in the workshops of J. Schönau and G. B. Casanova. From the late 1780s, he worked in Saint Petersburg. After he had moved to Moscow, he started giving drawing classes at Moscow University. He was one of the initiators, who had opened the Moscow Life Classes(1832), which were later reorganized into the Moscow School of Arts, Sculpture and Architecture. He painted portraits of famous personalities of Russian culture and science for the edition of P. P. Beketov.
Portrait of Empress Maria Fyodorovna
Oil on canvas
From the portrait series of the Romanov ruling house members, created on the order of Prince N. B. Yusupov
Molchanov Grigory Dmitrievich
1729 (1732), Moscow – to 1786, ibidem (?)
Painter, copyist, decorator. He was the son of icon-painter D. Yakovlev. From 1744, he took a seat in the Hofintendant Bureau. In 1752-1757, he worked in Tsarskoe Selo under the leadership of D. Valeriani. In 1755, he participated in the decoration of the opera "Alexander the Great". In 1757, B. F. Rastrelli called for him to paint plafond in "the new wooden winter home". He participated in the decoration of the Marble Palace. From 1767 to 1791, he worked in the Direction of Imperial Theatres.
Portrait of Tsar Ivan Alexeevich
Oil on canvas
Portrait of Prince Alexey Petrovich
Last quarter of the 18th c. (?)
Oil on canvas
Came from the Storage of the Imperial Hermitage. On 25 February 1827, it was sent to Moscow to be placed either in the Workshop and the Armoury Chamber or in the Kremlin Palace upon the decision of Prince N. B. Yusupov. It was acquired from the storage house of the Moscow Kremlin Palace in 1838.
Anthelme-François Lagrenée
14.12.1774, Paris – 27.04.1832, ibidem
Painter, miniaturist, drawing artist. He was the son of French artist L. Lagrenée Senior. He learned from his father and then from F. A. Vincent. From 1799 to 1831, he put his works on display in the Paris Salon. In 1817, he moved to Saint Petersburg, where over eight years he created numerous miniature portraits of the nobility frequently stylizing them as antique cameos.
Portrait of Grand Prince Konstantin Pavlovich in his childhood.
The first quarter of the 18th c. (after 1817)
Oil on canvas
From the portrait series of the Romanov ruling house members, created on the order of Prince N. B. Yusupov
Pesne Antoine
1683, Paris – 1757, Berlin
ПPortraitist, author of paintings on historical and religious scenes. In France, he took lessons from his father T. Pesne and uncle Charles de La Fosse, director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and court painter of King Louis XIV. From 1705 to 1710, being a scholar of the French Academy of Fine Arts he continued his study in Venice, Naples and Rome., He had been working in Berlin for 47 years. From 1711, he became a court painter by Prussian kings Friedrich I, Friedrich Wilhelm and Friedrich III. From 1720 he was a member of the Paris Academy of Fine Arts, and from 1722 – a director of the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts.
Portrait of Princess Catherina Ivanovna, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
The first quarter of the 18th c. (not earlier than 1716)
Oil on canvas
Comes from the storage of the Imperial Hermitage. On 25 February 1827, it was sent to Moscow to be placed either in the Workshop and the Armoury Chamber or in the Kremlin Palace upon the decision of Prince N. B. Yusupov. It was acquired from the storage house of the Kolomensky Palace in 1861.
Tannauer Johann Gottfried
1680, Saxony (Swabia?) – 1737 (1733?), Saint Petersburg
German painter, portraitist, miniaturist, worked on historical paintings, drew pen and ink.
He worked in Russia from 1711 till 1737 (1733?). Initially, he was engaged in watchmaking and music. He studied fine art in Venice from S. Bombelli. Then, he lived in Holland, where he made copies of Rubens' works. Being abroad, Peter the Great invited J. G. Tannauer to Russia upon the recommendation of artist Jan Kupecký. On 1 October 1710, in Vienna, Baron Urbich concluded a contract that Tannauer entered the Russian service as a painter. In March 1711, he arrived in Smolensk. Tannauer followed Emperor Peter the Great during the Prut campaign, and after that, he started living in Saint Petersburg. Being a court painter, he was appointed by Peter the Great to the position of Hofmahler. He occupied that seat till 1727.
Portrait of Peter the Great
Oil on canvas
Comes from the Storage House of the Imperial Hermitage. Acquired from the Imperial Hermitage in 1835.
Titov Ivan
1680, Saxony (Swabia?) – 1737 (1733?), Saint Petersburg
Painter, icon-painter. A servile artist of Count Bestuzhev-Ryumin. He lived in the Goretovo estate of the Mozhaisk region, Moscow province.
Portrait of Count Alexey Bestuzhev-Ryumin
Goretovo village, 1759
Oil on canvas