paintings of unknown artists
A portrait series of the rulers from the Romanov Dynasty, created at the request of Prince N.B. Yusupov

Other Paintings

Dynastic series of portraits of the Rurikids and Romanovs that came from the imperial tapestry manufacture.
The dynastic series came to the Armoury Chamber from the Imperial Tapestry Manufacture on 19 January 1840 upon the request of Emperor Nicholas I. When the series came to the museum, it included forty portraits – from Prince Rurik to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna – and eight images of trophies. The paintings were installed into 'bronze-like' wooden frames with finials in the shape of the crowns. The objects of the series, delivered from Saint-Petersburg to Moscow, were initially placed in the exposition of the first Armoury building that was erected in 1810 at the Troitskye Gates and designed by Architect I.V. Egotov. In 1850, thirty-five portraits from Prince Rurik to Tsarevna Natalia Alexeevna and six trophy compositions were relocated to the new building of the Armoury Chamber that was erected by the Borovitskie Gates under the design of K. A. Thon. They were mounted into a solid frame construction in the form of a picturesque frieze at the base of the dome in the Crown Hall that remains there until now. The series was created in line with a pan-European tradition that incorporates numerous lineage lists, genealogic tables, registers and catalogues of the rulers' names.